
you can call me coyote / syntax
(xayah or proxy works too)
27 years old
- any pronouns, genderless
- vague nouns work best
- potentially not of this realm
- malfunctioning brain
- every disease imaginable
- communication is unlikely!
- bad at parties
- hungry for escapism

i'm kind of a lunatic mad scientist but don't be alarmed.
if you are a minor please vacate the premises, thank you.
what do i do? a lot of things. for example:
i can make things of different shape and color.
i can hear and see and touch and even taste and smell.
i can talk about things in great detail, helpful or not to the present situation.
i might forget important things, or exhibit strange behaviors.
this is no cause for alarm! i am simply like this.
the concern is appreciated, but unnecessary.
please heed this warning and adjust your social expectations accordingly. thank you.

coastal themes
redwood forests
obscure historical facts
art history
vintage books
retro tech
DOS games
speculative fiction
sci-fi / horror / fantasy
dungeons and dragons
magic the gathering
found footage movies
alternate reality games
picture riddles
vintage television
video archiving
collecting toys / figures
eating blue foods
coldbrew coffee

cool science topics
the cambrian period
anthropology of art
ancient technology
wildlife conservation
marine biology
computer science